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 • Travel & Lifestyle

When I suggested the idea to travel to the desert to my husband his eyes lit up ! "Yes totally let's do it" : he replied. "Where do we stay ?"Little did he know

I am writing this article a little bit late (a week after my little getaway in Tangier) but here's the story

What’s better than a camp in the middle of Agafay desert to recharge and get away !?I wanted to visit this place for such a long time as I am always looking for new places to discover so we decided

Demeures d’Orient is a very special for me, since this is the first place we went to as a new weds ! And trust me when I say it didn’t disappoint

Marrakech is filled with little architectural jewels but this one is probably one of the most instagrammable spots and one of the prettiest riads I visited.The riad is held by a kind charming lady who welcomed us warmly. Once inside

Marrakech is one of my favorite cities, it is so unique and has a special vibe that makes you forget everything and just feel like on vacation right away. This is why everytime I am planing a little week-end getaway